Patient samples
From the initial TARGET pilot study, PRISM trial for high-risk cancers with <30% chance of 5-year survival, and the expanded ZERO2 national clinical trial that is now accessible to all children and young people diagnosed with cancer regardless of risk profile, the ZERO precision medicine program has enrolled over 1000 patients diagnosed with cancers from all nine paediatric oncology centres around Australia to date.
After giving informed consent, patients enrolled onto the ZERO national clinical trial provide both germline samples and tumour samples (either fresh, fresh frozen, or formalin-fixed embedded) for analysis by means of molecular profiling, in vitro drug screening and in vivo drug modelling.
Excess tissue and nucleic acids samples from participants who have consented to future research are available through application to the ZERO DAC. Applications are assessed on a range of factors, including the merit of research proposals and availability of samples.
Researchers are invited to complete a ZERO Sample Access Application form to request access to patient samples. Please contact us via before submitting your form so we can advise on sample availability prior submitting your application.
Download the ZERO Sample Access Application form here.
Quick Form Downloads
General application form for ZERO datasets not listed on the EGA
Application form for ZERO datasets archived on the EGA
Application form for ZERO samples
Amendment form for already approved Data Access Applications
Amendment form for already approved Sample Access Applications
Get in touch
Do you have a question about our work? For any enquiries please don’t hesitate to contact us.